Peace out man, it's like, yeah
Thanks to Anthropax , I ended up taking one of these bizarre personality tests, and apparently I'm a Hippie. Worryingly, some of the detailed analysis is probably not especially inaccurate - though I've never smoked anything in my life, let alone pot. I include the results for your viewing pleasure. Hippie You are 42% Rational, 85% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 14% Arrogant. You are the Hippie! Characterized by a strong sense of extroversion, irrationality, gentleness, and humility, you no doubt frolic through fields preaching peace and love to all! You are probably either very spiritual or needlessly paranoid about "the man", like most hippies, as a result of your focus on intuition and feelings over cold, brutal logic. You are also very, very social. And like any hippie, who would have no qualms about hitchiking across the country just to meet some interesting people, you too love to interact with others, even complete strangers. Because we know most any hippi...