Nude Sunbathing

I read this article on the BBC News page earlier. I'm not going to pass judgement on nude sunbathing - it's not something I would partake in myself but (especially if you're attractive) I'm not going to judge you for doing so in your own back garden. I'm not a fan of the 'nanny state' that's for sure.

However, after reading how the neighbour of the nude sunbather reacted I can't help wondering who is the more perverted.

"She walked back and fore completely naked - I went to get my video camera to record the incident."

I'm going back to work, but if you're reading this do take the opportunity to comment and say hi; enjoy the fact that this corner of the Blogosphere is now a year old. Go on, it only takes a second and I know I have more than two readers...


Anonymous said…
You made me laugh out loud - thank you!
Congratulations on passing your first birthday. I'm now off to the garden for a little nude sunbathing (while it's dark and nobody will see me!)
Anonymous said…
I was hoping for a post on this topic and you've disappointed. :(

I agree with you but to go one further that you may or may not agree with, I believe the woman had the right to sunbathe in the nude not to go against the nanny state but to go against the trend of sexualising and perverting the human body.
JP... said…
"I was hoping for a post on this topic and you've disappointed. :("

Huh? You got a post on the topic - what more do you want?!

If you're wanting me to share some sordid nude sunbathing experiences then I'm afraid that you will have to remain disappointed.

And I'm afraid that nude sunbathing is not something I care particularly strongly about so the opinions I have already voiced are about as far and as controversial as it is going to go.

"I believe the woman had the right to sunbathe in the go against the trend of sexualising and perverting the human body."

I think I see what you are saying, and I think I agree with you.
Hugh Sawyer said…
I think we should see the video before passing judgment
KDG said…
Personally I don't want a naked old woman thrust into my face, and think I should have some choice in the matter. And I wouldn't want my kids being warped by seeing naked people running around and thinking it's normal behaviour in society.
So if this woman's garden is in very clear view of the guy's house, so he's forced to see her, she ought to refrain, or at least put up bigger fences first. However, it is a bit creepy that he videoed it, rather than, say, asking her to stop. If he had to get evidence, a single still might of sufficed... Sounds like there's two nutters in that street...
KDG said…
BTW gapman, congrats on the 1st anniversary, and keeping the blog regularly updated despite your infamously scarce free time.
As you provide this blog for us to read, for just a small onetime payment, it seems only fair that we take the effort to give you some constructive feedback in return.
So here's mine..

I enjoy the blog and catching the latest episode, though am not very political and if I were would not be very right wing, so a lot of the Tory stuff goes over my head and suspect I am not quite the blog's target demographic. Apart from this I think the blog is nicely balanced, I especially like how you'll occasionally talk about your faith in a user friendly way (such as your introduction on what ascension day actually IS rather than coming right in going on about it as if everyone already knows), without turning it into the focus of the whole blog. The blog's certainly in no danger of becoming "too religious", if anything your occasional bitesize mentions of Christianity are a gentle introduction to the uninitiated what it's all about rather than bombarding them with a pious lecture and putting them off for life, which is what some Christians obliviously do.
You spoke a while ago about feeling you don't "spread the word" enough, and I wouldn't shy away from bringing your Christianity into the blog for fear of alienating people not part of that faith. This is a blog about you and your take on the world, and your faith is part of that. You're very vocal in your anti Labour & LibDem / pro Tory political views, without fear of putting people not part of that party off, so if you're prepared to wear that aspect of yourself on your sleeve when blogging, why sex down your other defining principles?

Another thing I like is the open forum of debate which is allowed to take place after a post. This means you can be as vocal in your particular views as you like without alienating the readership, as they are able to put their own point of view across too.

My suggestions for the second season might include posting phone pics of some of the strange sightings you always seem to.. sight, rather than just describing them to us, and maybe more discussion of music, cinematography and the written word. For example, what was the last book you bought? Also let's keep the ethical debates going, everyone likes those.

Anyway, here's the next 12 months of intrigue and suspense (though if I see the words "I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Oxford's a bubble and I love it!" or "Only in Oxford!" again I might scream).

Excelsior to you, gapman, may all your Chrismases be white, and all your holidays be welsh.

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