United we stand for my own interests

I’m not sure why I give these things the time of day, but in the interests of free speech and all that I decided to have a look at the Unite the Union website.  In the ‘About Us section, I learned that – apparently – Unite “is a union that stands up for equality for all.

In light of that, I was interested to note that Joint statement by Unite the union and British Airways focuses only on the desires of the individual cabin crew.  The non-contractual perks, the high-flying lifestyle, and the demand for more money than the new recruits.  One would have thought that a joint statement by someone valuing equality for all would also have included “valuing the fact that you have a job,” “not whinging every time you’re asked to do said job properly” and “getting out of the galley and serving the passengers (who pay to be served drinks without having to leave their seats).”


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