Free and easy?
I’ve just booked a flight with easyJet, and was staggered to be fleeced of £8 just for the privilege of paying. With a debit card! £8!
Still, it could have been worse. Flybe would have charged me £9. And their more-dishonest-than-RyanAir website would have fleeced me further for ‘choosing my seat’ had I not wondered why the costs were going up and scrolled down to the tiny print below the adverts.
Now I might be a fan of BA anyway, but this has got me wondering why people even look at ‘low cost’ flying sometimes. Or why BA’s advertising people aren’t doing a better job of tearing apart the competition.
In this case, I had no choice (BA don’t fly where I want to go) but had I flown with BA, the headline price would have been what I paid. None of this watching the totals go up as I add baggage, debit card fees, seat choice, or spend too long on the internet. And I’d get my G&T on-board.
Fair enough, some of the charges are optional. Sometimes one doesn’t need two pieces of hand-baggage. Or a bag in the hold. Or a coffee. But the day that paying becomes an optional extra, I’ll fly with easyJet every time.