It's Life Jim, But Not As We Know It

I had a quality interlude yesterday morning; Ian's Blog came in to my RSS reader and I noted he was in Starbucks in Oxford. So having confirmed that he was still there I nipped out to see him. It was a great (albeit brief) time and we were both amused by the slightly random way in which the Blogosphere had caused an off-chance meeting.

Anyway, Ian had recently been to lunch in Christ Church and commented on how there was much more to Oxford than the shopping streets and buses which meet the eye. This got me thinking; I know that I've posted here before about the randomness of life within the Oxford Bubble (like the time no-one batted an eyelid at the dude with fairy wings) but I feel it's time for me to share a few more thoughts.

When I visited Sam in Leeds we were passed in the street by some girls, one of whom proclaimed loudly that "Evolution is s**t". Sam confirmed my suspicions that there was club in Leeds called Evolution, and I couldn't help thinking that if it had been Oxford the default assumption would be that this girl disagreed with Charles Darwin.

Now in most places, students usually only get in to trouble for things like vandalism or very anti-social behaviour. (Or, in Leeds' Bodington Hall, fireworks are evidently perceived to be a problem). Yet here in Oxford I was reminded the other day that one of my contempararies landed himself in trouble for "holding an illegal communion service". Need I say more?

Thanks to Sam (again) for this link to the Facebook Song. It's awesome!


Anonymous said…
Illegal communion services?! You guys sure know how to party in Oxford!
James.R.Skinner said…
All i can say is that i feel sorry for the sad git who decided that hosting illegal communion services was a problem! Swansea has numerous cases of vandalism and drugs (after is Swansea) but i think judging communion services a problem is taking things a little too far.
Anonymous said…
The receving of the body and blood of Our Lord is no laughing matter! If anyone could be handing out the Blessed Host willy-nilly, who knows what could happen!

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