
Showing posts from May, 2005

Pope Bl. John XXIII

According to Which 20th Century Pope Are You? I am like Pope Bl. John XXIII apparently. Thanks to Snr Prozzillo for that. Other than assessing my similarities with various heads of the Catholic Church I've spent a lot of time recently studying Atomic Physics, and I've found that I'm really enjoying it. OK so I'm a geek, but please don't stop reading here. Last Tuesday I bought myself a bargain electric toothbrush for £8 (half price, score!) in Boots, and I'm proud to announce that I've survived a whole week without accidentally spraying toothpaste round the bathroom. :) Suggestions on how to celebrate the milestone would be much appreciated... Isn't it strange how little things can get you down? I've just found out that earlier a group of friends had travelled to Oxford to go punting, and didn't even bother to tell me they were in the area. Nice to know that I'm valued... I shouldn't whinge really, as life is actually very good.

Back from The Darkside

Lunchtime. Time to update my blog. I spent yesterday in Cambridge visiting friends and listening to my dad preach in Downing College chapel, which was fun. I travelled there by bus for a change - normally I would get the train but I felt the need to add the dreaded X5 to my list of experiences. So Saturday evening was spent on winding A-roads and enjoying endless roundabouts in Milton Keynes and towns with Cornish names where none of the buildings appeared to be more than a few weeks old. Apparently 3 1/2 hours was quick for the X5, which can take up to 5 hours (!). Still, it was cheap - only £4.50 courtesy of On arrival I enjoyed sitting outside in Downing with some wine, catching up with the one and only Cousin Dave and watching the resident hedgehog. Nice. Thanks to Mark, Esther and Simeon for taking time out on Sunday to see me; much appreciated guys, and all the best with your exams.

Daay Wun in the Big Brover Haus

I've only gone two days since my last posting, and I've already accumulated a lot which I wish to share with you. It's been a busy couple of days, and though I've been quite productive in the library I've also enjoyed being quite relaxed. Yesterday the sun was shining (the weather was sweet, yeah) and three of us went punting mid-afternoon. We punted from Magdalen down the Cherwell, mooring up at the point where it joins the Isis to watch Summer VIIIs - that's the summer intercollegiate rowing regatta for those of you outside the bubble that is Oxford. I very much enjoyed a pint of Pimms and lemonade at the Brasenose boathouse before punting back to Magdalen and playing a bit of croquet. It all sounds quite poncy, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless. I'd always thought that Bar Med and the Spice Girls were two pleasures enjoyed only if you were a teenage girl, but I was proved wrong last night. Zoo (Oxford Student Union's entertainment arm) have reg...

Afternoon Ramblings

One of my friends finished finals at lunchtime today and I took the opportunity to head over to Merton Street to meet him. It's quite an experience, and the street was rammed with all sorts of people meeting finishing finalists - ready with champagne, balloons etc. Even the silly 'Code of Conduct' (even confetti is banned) didn't affect the atmosphere as much as it could have done. After a celebratory pint of Hoegaarden in The Turf my lunch break became rather extended, but it's back to work now - in the All Souls library, I think. Thanks to Davey for starting the trend of leaving comments on my blog. I've had a few problems with setting permissions for leaving comments, but hopefully I've solved them now and you can all have your say at the click of a button.

Ignorance Is Bliss?

Today I want to share my thoughts about something I've been reflecting on for a while. If you invited me to a party, or a concert, you would probably think it very rude of me if I simply ignored the invitation. So why does it seem acceptable for people to ignore invitations to events which have a Christian theme? I am a practising Christian and believe that the Christian message is of great importance; it's something everyone should consider. I find it infuriating when some people ignore invitiations to church or to events which might give them a better understanding of what Christianity is about. If people don't want to come I just wish that they'd say so. Personally I've been thinking about why some people like to simply ignore us as Christians and I think that there are several reasons. For some people I'm guessing we're just an irritant which might go away if ignored. For others we're probably seen as a waste of time and space. And I'm sure that ...

New York Transvestites

Who's heard of "Walk on The Wild Side" by Lou Reed? It's a classic 70's track containing such lines as " Shaved her legs and then he was a she" and "And the colored girls say, doo do doo do doo do do doo" which is probably not very politically correct but if you've heard the song it's all quite funny. Anyway, I heard it for the first time in ages whilst visiting a mate on Monday, and decided to download it from, expanding my eclectic music collection yet further. Listening to it closely however I became intrigued by the meaning of the lyrics. It's probably actually quite obvious, but being naive I did a Google search, and informs me that "This is about transvestites who come to New York City and become prostitutes. "Take a walk on the wild side" is what they say to potential customers." So there you go...I still think it's a cool song however. And on that happy note I'd ...

One small step for man...

Well, here I am. I have landed on the Blogosphere (what a cool word...) and am now setting up camp. My reasons for having a blog seem to be largely down to my lemming like desire to jump on the bandwagon, but I hope as I share my thoughts that you, dear reader, will find something of interest here in my little corner.